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Day 2 Workout Complete

Good morning FB Family!

Workout complete for Day 2 of the new free 2 Week Challenge. Today was a burner of an upper body workout with Tasha. We used a lot of the big upper body muscles today and I’m feeling it! I have really grown to love training my upper body, moreso recently than ever. It just feels good, you know? Tasha really put me through my paces today, and I liked the core finisher.

I was by myself today, because Daniel and I had to divide and conquer for work. He’s getting his Day 2 workout in later today. I think we’ll get to rejoin forces tomorrow for Day 3.

I don’t know if I’ll do all of this challenge consecutively - I’m feeling pretty tired after all the work leading up to New Years, so I may need to take some extra rest/recovery days here and there. I share this in order to help you feel comfortable doing the same. As always, I recommend that you listen to your body, be willing to give it what it really needs, whether that be a tough workout, a gentle workout, or a nice recovery day. Listening to and respecting those cues is what makes a workout habit lifelong, instead of a short sprint.

Question: Do you tend to workout alone, or do you have an accountability buddy in the form of a partner, friend, a little one watching nearby, or a 4 legged trainer judging your form?

I hope you’re all enjoying the challenge as much as I am so far!

