Hi there Pals! I’ll be short today as I might have to pop out to my GP (really unpleasant medical issue…) and I have no idea how many extra tasks I get today. It’s nice sunshiny day, rather cold though but I don’t mind. Clouds stay away from me. There are some inside my head so I need this sunshine.
Anyway, I started the day by doing Day 24 of Abs 3 which was a pure core routine with Kayla. I don’t know why, since I’ve been doing this for a while now, but it still surprises me how sweaty I can get by doing ‘simple’ core exercises. I’m also glad that even though I don’t feel well, it doesn’t stop me from exercising.
Miss Member of the Slow Readers Book Club – yours truly – is still reading the same book about genes and stuff and so I thought I’d tell you about a really interesting experiment (I have ambivalent feelings about animal experiments or rather, I don’t like them especially if they involve hurting the animal) however, I have to tell you about this one. OK, so Acetophenone is a chemical found naturally in many foods, including cherries. Some mice were conditioned to fear the smell of cherries (a small shock was delivered into their paws through the floor… poor mice…) and then obviously they were scared of the scent even if they weren’t shocked. But! When these male mice mated with females who weren’t afraid of the smell their offspring also exhibited fear when smelling acetophenone. It’s like they inherited the fear…
All right, Pals, I need to go now, have an easy day, try not to worry too much and eat an apple. (You know, to keep the doctor away. Unless you really like him/her…)
Perspiration Pals 29 November 2023
Hi there Pals! I’ll be short today as I might have to pop out to my GP (really unpleasant medical issue…) and I have no idea how many extra tasks I get today. It’s nice sunshiny day, rather cold though but I don’t mind. Clouds stay away from me. There are some inside my head so I need this sunshine.
Anyway, I started the day by doing Day 24 of Abs 3 which was a pure core routine with Kayla. I don’t know why, since I’ve been doing this for a while now, but it still surprises me how sweaty I can get by doing ‘simple’ core exercises. I’m also glad that even though I don’t feel well, it doesn’t stop me from exercising.
Miss Member of the Slow Readers Book Club – yours truly – is still reading the same book about genes and stuff and so I thought I’d tell you about a really interesting experiment (I have ambivalent feelings about animal experiments or rather, I don’t like them especially if they involve hurting the animal) however, I have to tell you about this one. OK, so Acetophenone is a chemical found naturally in many foods, including cherries. Some mice were conditioned to fear the smell of cherries (a small shock was delivered into their paws through the floor… poor mice…) and then obviously they were scared of the scent even if they weren’t shocked. But! When these male mice mated with females who weren’t afraid of the smell their offspring also exhibited fear when smelling acetophenone. It’s like they inherited the fear…
All right, Pals, I need to go now, have an easy day, try not to worry too much and eat an apple. (You know, to keep the doctor away. Unless you really like him/her…)