Can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have another FB 30? I have done all the FB 30 programs (including FB Fit 30) several times over now, and while I love them, I am craving something new. Would love one that uses all the new trainers as well as Kellie and Daniel, FB Fit 30 was great but no Brian!!! :( So many great 30 to 35 minute workouts on the site, but I am way too lazy to put one together myself ;)
Program request??
Can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have another FB 30? I have done all the FB 30 programs (including FB Fit 30) several times over now, and while I love them, I am craving something new. Would love one that uses all the new trainers as well as Kellie and Daniel, FB Fit 30 was great but no Brian!!! :( So many great 30 to 35 minute workouts on the site, but I am way too lazy to put one together myself ;)