Although today’s workout release includes weights, you will feel a cardiovascular effect as you work through a five-minute ladder-up circuit of four multicomponent exercises:
The quick primer circuit that precedes the AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) contains the same exercises as this main circuit; therefore, you can use the primer as an opportunity to gauge your weight selections for the work ahead. Because you will be increasing your reps by two with each round of completion of the AMRAP, make sure to choose weights that allow you to complete high reps with minimal breaks and good/safe form.
For me, these kinds of workouts are a good test of my physical stamina and push me to remain mentally engaged during increasingly longer and harder training challenges. Thus, although I’m usually training for running distances from anywhere between a 5k to a half marathon, the physical and mental improvements I experience from these types of self-paced AMRAP circuits are transferable to my running performances.
I hope you enjoy this under 30-minute endeavor! Ultimately, you determine the intensity with your pacing and weight selection(s).
New Workout! Total Body Power with Weights
Good morning FB Family!
Although today’s workout release includes weights, you will feel a cardiovascular effect as you work through a five-minute ladder-up circuit of four multicomponent exercises:
Total Body Power with Weights
The quick primer circuit that precedes the AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) contains the same exercises as this main circuit; therefore, you can use the primer as an opportunity to gauge your weight selections for the work ahead. Because you will be increasing your reps by two with each round of completion of the AMRAP, make sure to choose weights that allow you to complete high reps with minimal breaks and good/safe form.
For me, these kinds of workouts are a good test of my physical stamina and push me to remain mentally engaged during increasingly longer and harder training challenges. Thus, although I’m usually training for running distances from anywhere between a 5k to a half marathon, the physical and mental improvements I experience from these types of self-paced AMRAP circuits are transferable to my running performances.
I hope you enjoy this under 30-minute endeavor! Ultimately, you determine the intensity with your pacing and weight selection(s).
See you on the screen!