Hey there again my lovely FB family. Second 👻day for me. I hope you enjoyed, are all enjoying or will enjoy your Sunday. And for those in the States, enjoying a long weekend. Does Labor day, I know it’s not till tomorrow, entail specific food, specific traditions?
Workout: with some of us counting snails yesterday, I thought I would count all the steps from our hiking holiday last Tuesday to Friday… and the result is pretty amazing! Just about 88.000, so I am definitely doing “an Ingeborg” today: another rest day! How about you? Will you be doing an Erica today? Or maybe a Kelli, a Tasha, a Daniel, a Nicole, a Brian, an Amanda, a Kayla, an Aly, a Marina or a Hayley today?!?! Yikes, so many new people, I hope I haven’t forgotten anybody. You might not be doing any FB today, but have something totally different planned! Anyway, let’s hear it from you!
Food: well I am doing “a Raven” today with a homemade pizza. We are having friends over for another board games night, so I need to give them something good! I don’t think you can go wrong with a homemade pizza. Do you often entertain friends or family? What food do you like to serve up then? For desert we are having a carrot cake bought at a farm shop yesterday on our way home. What is your food of choice today?
Photo: more brain fitness…. I took this picture yesterday as the ferry was entering the small harbour. Not a big commercial port, but a tiny yacht harbour. Wow, that ferry captain is ace at steering that boat to the right quayside!! Photo in replies gives you some idea. There were so many flipping little boats around and such a narrow channel to manoeuvre that boat in, yikes!! How many masts on boats can you count?!?! (Eh, Lea, you must be joking, right?!!!!). Feel totally totally free to even more than yesterday totally totally ignore this part of the checkin!!! I have!
But I do think a lot about keeping my brain active now that I am retired, as you read so much about the benefits. Do you try and do brain “workouts”? Maybe your work is a brain workout? Coby’s homeschooling will no doubt be a brain workout! Ingeborg’s crochet projects would be a brain workout for me, I could never do that! What do you do, if anything, to keep your brain healthy and fit?
Off to pour myself another cup of coffee. See you lovelies later!
Sunday đź‘»checkin 4-9-23
Hey there again my lovely FB family. Second 👻day for me. I hope you enjoyed, are all enjoying or will enjoy your Sunday. And for those in the States, enjoying a long weekend. Does Labor day, I know it’s not till tomorrow, entail specific food, specific traditions?
Workout: with some of us counting snails yesterday, I thought I would count all the steps from our hiking holiday last Tuesday to Friday… and the result is pretty amazing! Just about 88.000, so I am definitely doing “an Ingeborg” today: another rest day! How about you? Will you be doing an Erica today? Or maybe a Kelli, a Tasha, a Daniel, a Nicole, a Brian, an Amanda, a Kayla, an Aly, a Marina or a Hayley today?!?! Yikes, so many new people, I hope I haven’t forgotten anybody. You might not be doing any FB today, but have something totally different planned! Anyway, let’s hear it from you!
Food: well I am doing “a Raven” today with a homemade pizza. We are having friends over for another board games night, so I need to give them something good! I don’t think you can go wrong with a homemade pizza. Do you often entertain friends or family? What food do you like to serve up then? For desert we are having a carrot cake bought at a farm shop yesterday on our way home. What is your food of choice today?
Photo: more brain fitness…. I took this picture yesterday as the ferry was entering the small harbour. Not a big commercial port, but a tiny yacht harbour. Wow, that ferry captain is ace at steering that boat to the right quayside!! Photo in replies gives you some idea. There were so many flipping little boats around and such a narrow channel to manoeuvre that boat in, yikes!! How many masts on boats can you count?!?! (Eh, Lea, you must be joking, right?!!!!). Feel totally totally free to even more than yesterday totally totally ignore this part of the checkin!!! I have!
But I do think a lot about keeping my brain active now that I am retired, as you read so much about the benefits. Do you try and do brain “workouts”? Maybe your work is a brain workout? Coby’s homeschooling will no doubt be a brain workout! Ingeborg’s crochet projects would be a brain workout for me, I could never do that! What do you do, if anything, to keep your brain healthy and fit?
Off to pour myself another cup of coffee. See you lovelies later!