Hello there, Pals! How are you today? Lucifer has decided to shut Hell’s doors so the temperature is slightly better here now. I desperately WANT summer to end. School starts on Friday and it doesn’t affect me directly but it does affect public transport which will be another little Hell on Earth. Why can’t we have a little Heaven on Earth now for a change, I wonder. Anyway, let’s crack on with the show. I mean thread.
I did Day 3 of Strong 3. Yes, I’ve decided to do it again and as usual I’ll be using the swap feature. Not because the originally scheduled routines aren’t good enough but because there are so many new ones to choose from. I lifted heavier on Monday and my backside is a bit sore but it’s not too bad. It merely keeps reminding me that it exists.
Let’s forget about my rear end and move on to our fact finder fragment. Did you know that cherophobia is the irrational fear of fun or happiness? People with this phobia tend to avoid any kind of situation that others might classify as fun or joyful. I might have a slight case of cherophobia… Something even more interesting, did you know that only 5% of the ocean has been explored? The ocean covers around 70% of the Earth’s surface, and it is much harder to explore than land. As much as 20% of the ocean floor has now been mapped, thanks to advancements in sonar technologies. The reason we’ve explored so little of the ocean is that the technology needed has only developed over the last 100 years. Just imagine how many interesting creatures we might never be able to see. Lucky them, I suppose. Also, as a bonus fact, did you know that on average, men get bored of a shopping trip after 26 minutes. I didn’t realise I’m a man… how long does it take you to get bored of shopping?
All right, I seem to have written a short story so I’ll let you get on with your lives, have an easy/challenging day, Pals!
Perspiration Pals 30 August 2023
Hello there, Pals! How are you today? Lucifer has decided to shut Hell’s doors so the temperature is slightly better here now. I desperately WANT summer to end. School starts on Friday and it doesn’t affect me directly but it does affect public transport which will be another little Hell on Earth. Why can’t we have a little Heaven on Earth now for a change, I wonder. Anyway, let’s crack on with the show. I mean thread.
I did Day 3 of Strong 3. Yes, I’ve decided to do it again and as usual I’ll be using the swap feature. Not because the originally scheduled routines aren’t good enough but because there are so many new ones to choose from. I lifted heavier on Monday and my backside is a bit sore but it’s not too bad. It merely keeps reminding me that it exists.
Let’s forget about my rear end and move on to our fact finder fragment. Did you know that cherophobia is the irrational fear of fun or happiness? People with this phobia tend to avoid any kind of situation that others might classify as fun or joyful. I might have a slight case of cherophobia… Something even more interesting, did you know that only 5% of the ocean has been explored? The ocean covers around 70% of the Earth’s surface, and it is much harder to explore than land. As much as 20% of the ocean floor has now been mapped, thanks to advancements in sonar technologies. The reason we’ve explored so little of the ocean is that the technology needed has only developed over the last 100 years. Just imagine how many interesting creatures we might never be able to see. Lucky them, I suppose. Also, as a bonus fact, did you know that on average, men get bored of a shopping trip after 26 minutes. I didn’t realise I’m a man… how long does it take you to get bored of shopping?
All right, I seem to have written a short story so I’ll let you get on with your lives, have an easy/challenging day, Pals!