Posted in: Workouts / New Releases

New Workout! Unilateral Strength Complexes

Hey Blenders! It’s time for a new unilateral workout to shake things up in your routine!

Unilateral Strength Complexes

If you’ve done unilateral training before, you’re aware of all the fun that’s in store :) If not, here’s what you need to know. Unilateral training involves working on one side of the body at a time, meaning more recruitment of your smaller, stabilizer muscles. This not only helps improve your total body strength but also your stability, coordination, and balance! Yay for being a more functionally strong human.

The other element of this workout that's important to note is the complex-style format. For this routine in particular, each complex includes a series of 4 exercises performed back-to-back for 30 seconds each before resting. If you’re “mathing” with me, yes, that’s a 2-minute working period. Expect your heart to be pumping right along with your muscles!

Medium weights is all you’ll need for this workout. Your goal is not to lift your heaviest, but rather to sustain your effort through each complex. Overall workout rating is a level 4 based on the coordination needed for some exercises as well as the long working intervals. Using lighter weights could take this down to a level 3. It’s all about what you put in!

This was one of the more fun workouts I’ve filmed lately. I know you’re going to leave feeling empowered and have a ton of fun!

Let’s do this.