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New 5-Day Wellness Challenge for Better Sleep!

Hello Fitness Blender community!

I’m thrilled to announce this new 5-Day Sleep Challenge

Even knowing that sleep impacts almost everything we do in life, so many of us experience sleep problems at some point in our life. If we’re honest, most of us could improve some of our nighttime habits that could help us to get a more optimal quality and quantity of sleep. 

This challenge was designed to include one guided meditation each day, with additional readings sprinkled throughout to give you a well-rounded approach to sleep. Optional stretching/yoga routines are included as well, to help you further wind down at the end of your day. These tools are designed to help with trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, as well as setting up your sleep environment to optimize your sleep.

I highly recommend using the first day’s reading to set any sleep goals you have and change one thing at a time. When we try to change too much all at once, it is hard to know which thing made a difference. So, that might mean doing this challenge multiple times back to back to identify which factors help you, specifically. 

I truly hope that this challenge helps to set you up for better sleep and ideally more energy to devote to the important things in your life! As always, we are looking for feedback on our programs and want to make these relatively newer mental health challenges the best experience they can be. 

I hope you enjoy this challenge and have a good night’s sleep!
