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New 4 Week Program - FB Flex Round 2!

Hi there Fitness Blender Fam! I'm happy to announce a new program release today!

This FB Flex Round 2 program follows suit to the original 4 Week FB Flex from a few years back, or you may recall the 2 Week FB Flex Challenge from more recently. 

FB Flex Round 2: 4 Week Upper Body Program for Arms, Shoulders, Chest, and Upper Back

This program consists of 3 intense workouts each week that focus on various types of strength training to help you become stronger and create more muscle definition in the upper body. Core muscles are a natural extension of the upper region and integral to successfully completing upper body exercises so you’ll also find some core work sprinkled in throughout this experience! Although these are smaller muscle groups, any time we build more lean muscle mass, this requires more work for the body to maintain it. This leads to an increase in metabolic rate which leads to a reduction in body fat. 

Workouts range from 25-51 minutes, with an average workout time of 42 minutes. There are no repeat workouts and all you’ll need are dumbbell selections and a mat. 

Many of the days offer up an Extra Credit that will either be an add-on workout to take the challenge to the next level, or it will be a time to slow down, stretch, and focus on mobility to aid in recovery and give your sore muscles some extra TLC. 

I enjoyed piecing this program together to showcase how well some of our more recent upper body workouts can come together to bring you this month-long experience :) Remember that you can adjust the schedule and swap out workouts to make this a truly individualized experience. 

Don’t forget to take some pre- and post-program flex pics! Just imagine, 4 weeks from now you’ll be carrying yourself with better posture, feeling more functional in your upper body, and feeling proud of what your newfound strength allows you to accomplish both on and off your workout mat!

FB Flex Round 2 consists of FB Plus workouts and can be accessed with an FB Plus Subscription or Pass.

Here’s to committing to ourselves and investing in our health,

-Erica & the FB Team