Perspiration Pals 19 April 2023

Hello there Pals! How are you today? It’s me again which means it’s the middle of the week although when my alarm went off this morning (in the middle of a dream) I didn’t know what day it was or where I was… I thought it was Monday. Then I realised it’s Wednesday, which made me slightly happier, and then I realised there was a balance workout routine scheduled for today which made me think ‘Oh, no, I’ll be terrible.’ Reader, I WAS terrible. Fair warning, if you decide to test your balance at 5 a.m., chance are that your so-called weak side will try to make you do a faceplant.

Anyway, I did Day 17 of Strong 2 (0.2 because of all the swapping) and I felt it! What about you? What’s scheduled for today?

I found some interesting/funny animal facts yesterday so I decided to share them with you. So did you know that cats can't taste anything that's sweet? Do you know why? Also, did you know that the heart of a shrimp is located in its head? The phrase ‘listen to your heart’ has a whole new meaning when it comes to shrimps. And this is my personal favourite: A group of lemurs is a "conspiracy." This is because they often work together in their social groups to outsmart prey.

I must go back to work now so have an easy day, Pals! I’m sending you this random flower.

PS, no, I'm not sending you the random flower... random flower is shy and doesn't want to be attached.
