Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

FB Strong Round 3 complete!

(Started March 6, completed April 1.)

Strong 1 was the very first FB program I ever completed, and I loved it. Strong 2 gave me mixed feelings after I did it last year. When Strong 3 was released this year, I wasn't sure what to think, but I did it anyway.

I loved it.

Strong 3 is much more focused on just straight lifting than Strong 2, bringing it more in line with Strong 1, I think. Each day gives you two, and sometimes three, options for a main workout: typically, one short and one long. (I did a mix of shorter and longer.) You can go through this program doing no HIIT at all, or you will max out at just three HIIT workouts. Similar to Strong 2, there are extra credits available. In this case, there are a whopping *thirty-two* ECs (almost 3x that of Strong 2), this time a mix of shorter add-on workouts, expert articles, and guided meditations. (I did none of them.)

If you loved Strong 1, and/or you're someone who isn't a huge fan of HIIT, you will likely enjoy Strong 3. Again: I loved it.


(NB: When I'm referring to HIIT, I'm thinking of HIIT with tabata-style (20s on/10s off) intervals, not EMOM or AMRAP ones.)

My review of Strong 1 -

My review of Strong 2 -