I noticed some of Daniels L5 workouts are described as 'brutal', 'epic', ladder of 'doom' insane. These words put me off trying them for a long time, but I was completing other trainers L5s. I realised it was simply the language - and that a rose by another name does in fact smell as sweet. don't be put off, TRY THEM you can, you are EIPC but just don't end up being brutal, doom laden or.... insane. :-)
I noticed some of Daniels L5 workouts are described as 'brutal', 'epic', ladder of 'doom' insane. These words put me off trying them for a long time, but I was completing other trainers L5s. I realised it was simply the language - and that a rose by another name does in fact smell as sweet. don't be put off, TRY THEM you can, you are EIPC but just don't end up being brutal, doom laden or.... insane. :-)