Rise Strong 💪

It's humpidy hump day!! 🐪

I'm feeling great. ✨

Getting pumped for my for my HIIT Cardio workout this afternoon. Gonna be a sweaty one. Might have to capture my WC look 😅

Looks like I have avocado, penne and burger on my menus for today. OH and raisins on one of my snacks! I love raisins. Have since childhood. 😋

Bliss: Meeting my oldest niece and youngest niece (her daughter) for breakfast this morning. Our birthdays are a month apart. We're celebrating 🥳

Hows things look y'alls way?

Upper body, lower body, total body??

Maybe just a walk or treadmill?

Have you swapped in at least one healthy meal?

Maybe you are increasing or adding weights or


We rise strong

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Take action

Make it a great day 😊
