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Happy Tuesday Lovelies!

Today is upper body for me.

Looks like I have a nice 35 minute routine with 18 strength exercises, 40 seconds on and 20 off followed by a 10 minute burnout round with 10 different exercises at 45 seconds on and 15 off.

I'm getting stronger in my upper body. I'm excited to see how this burnout round goes.

Looks like eggs for breakfast, veggie quesadilla for lunch and salmon for dinner. I'll try and remember to share dinner pics tonight.

Anyone have any clean eating, healthy, deserts they wanna share? I was craving something sweet last night (that dreaded nighttime crave) and I threw some dark chocolate chips in my mouth then wished I had better prepared my self for this.

I'm gonna try and find an old friends website. She prepared so many clean delicious vegan desserts. Hope the page is still up. I'll share if so.

Remember to believe in yourself ❤️

Clear your mind of negatives and focus on positive healthy thoughts

Rise Strong!
