HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 2nd 🍄

HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group January 2nd

Hello Blendfriends, welcome to the very first Monday of 2023! This is also the last day before I go back to work tomorrow, so I'm going to get the most out of it! I'll start the day with a favorite quote on friendship, for friends on FB and friends out in the world :

“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead. Walk beside me… just be my friend.” (Albert Camus)

This afternoon, we're invited to a friendly gathering to celebrate the new year, a good idea of some friends of ours. Rather than stay out past midnight and drive home on icy roads, we get to have a low-key celebration in daylight. This couple always invites a nice mix of arts folks (like my husband) and literary folks (like me), so I don't feel like the odd one out, and can find something to talk about (usually a challenge for a more introverted person like me). I know a few of us on here are the same way, wondering if we'll do all right at a gathering or if we'll leave it feeling drained. Have you ever found yourself somewhere, having worried about your social capacities, and ended up having a really good time?

We won't have to bring food, but that hasn't stopped me from cooking. I spent the first day of the new year playing with my new toy, a food dehydrator. I've wanted one for ages, but when I found out I could use it for kale chips... well that tipped the balance🤣. So far I've dried zucchini, and mushrooms 🍄, and partly dried a few tomatoes to top a homemade pizza🍕. This will be more of a summer-harvest tool, for my herbs, my courgettes and for making "sun-dried" tomatoes in the fall, but it was fun trying it out in January. If you've made any great food with a dehydrator or have suggestions, let me know 😁.

Now to get to my workout. Abs 2 wants me to do a pinch of HIIT today, but my knees aren't feeling motivated, so I'll do one of my favorited, ones. I find I have to be very warmed up for my knees to accept HIIT, and this one has a nice set of Pilates right after the warm up, can recommend 👍

Well, I'm off, have a wonderful day everyone!