HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group December 7th

Happy Hump Day!

I didn't check in yesterday but I lurked. I was so swamped at work, forgot to workout before work = got to work super early which is very bad. Tuesdays I am here until almost 7 so it made for an almost 12 hour day. After I walked home I did a new to me pilates/barre. By the time all the dinner clean-up and showering was done, it was 9:30. I went directly to bed.

I feel like the days are all smushed and all I do is wake up go to work, come home, work out, eat and go to sleep. And the darkness makes it worse. For a few minutes yesterday, there was a patch of blue sky and we all rushed to the window to see it.

What do you have planned today?

I am hoping (fingers crossed) to leave work early today and go for a run. It should be warmer and sunny so that would be the perfect combo. The backup plan is lower body strength and some HIIT since my legs finally feel better.

The picture fits well for me the last few days. I actually considered working from home one day since it was so difficult for me to walk.

Whatever you are up to today do it with a smile!