Random fitness/fb plus questions + feedback

Hi all!

I just bought FB Plus' yearly membership a week or two ago, best decision ever. I loved how I literally got so many programs for free that came along with it, not to mention the fun stats (I'm a data girl!).

I have a bunch of questions that have come to mind about FB Plus, general fitness, workout video suggestions, (and one small feedback/request),

I would appreciate answers to any!

1. Fitness - what muscles are worked if you wear a resistance band near your feet around your legs, vs. if it's above your knees on your thighs, vs. right below your knees? I thought the glutes are worked if it's on your thighs, but what about when it's near your feet? I feel a nice burn while doing squat steps and pivot walks with the band near my feet, so I'm confused. I tried googling too but wasn't clear.

2. Favorite videos - Curious what are people's:

- favorite low impact Plus programs (2 week or 4), basically programs that don't have a lot of HIIT? I do looove kickboxing, but also weights, pilates, static core work, and barre. I find that I bloat like crazy with high impact workouts (besides kickboxing, guess it doesn't have jumping really), or find my body is inflamed from some workout types and I think I read a comment by Kelli recently mentioning that too.

- favorite FB back and/or shoulder workout videos? Also, "back and BIs" is usually a thing but what about back and shoulders, do people tend to combine these?

3. FB Plus logistics - If we don't renew our FB plus membership, do we lose all our notes? I always wanted this feature and I see it is on fb plus, where I can add a note to a workout video, but it is a plus video, so I'm wondering if that note will go away once I lose access to Plus videos...

4. Feedback - I loved the latest video's little design tweak where the overview of the workout was a screenshot of the FB workout page and the upcoming exercise snippet was also cleaner. Aesthetic! Love it!

I think it would be cool to see a visual of muscles worked as well, maybe on the right side of the video. I really find value when the trainers mention where I should be feeling an exercise or stretch, or some old workout videos' printable / description page that list the muscles worked in each exercise. I love to learn about these things and if it's not too much work it might add value! Just a thought! Everything is perfect as is:)
