Hello Pals! I’m in a bit of a rush today because I’m at work and I, well, have to work… Normally, I try to figure out what to write about but my default mood is anger/frustration/apathy so I thought I’d be refreshed and eager after my early morning workout routine but I wasn’t. The workout went fine actually, it was a kickboxing&core routine with Daniel and my shoulder managed to behave like a normal shoulder this time.
Anyway, I started reading a book about the immune system: “a world billions of years old, that exists within yourself, within everybody and everything, all around us, omnipresent but invisible.” I really liked that sentence. There was another sentence and here comes my fill-in-the-gap (we haven’t played that for a while now) “Health is really an abstract concept because it describes the ………….. of something. The……………. of suffering and pain, the ……………….. of limitations. So, Pals, what is the missing word here? (By the way, if you’re interested in the title and author of the book, just ask. 😊) I do hope you’re healthy or if not, then you’re getting there.
The attached picture features my new obsession. What do you think it is? It’s really healthy and the benefits of eating it are the following: highly nutritious and particularly rich in vitamin A, high antioxidant content may reduce your risk of chronic diseases and nutrient density and low calorie count may promote weight loss. So what is it? Do you like it?
Perspiration Pals 23 November 2022
Hello Pals! I’m in a bit of a rush today because I’m at work and I, well, have to work… Normally, I try to figure out what to write about but my default mood is anger/frustration/apathy so I thought I’d be refreshed and eager after my early morning workout routine but I wasn’t. The workout went fine actually, it was a kickboxing&core routine with Daniel and my shoulder managed to behave like a normal shoulder this time.
Anyway, I started reading a book about the immune system: “a world billions of years old, that exists within yourself, within everybody and everything, all around us, omnipresent but invisible.” I really liked that sentence. There was another sentence and here comes my fill-in-the-gap (we haven’t played that for a while now) “Health is really an abstract concept because it describes the ………….. of something. The……………. of suffering and pain, the ……………….. of limitations. So, Pals, what is the missing word here? (By the way, if you’re interested in the title and author of the book, just ask. 😊) I do hope you’re healthy or if not, then you’re getting there.
The attached picture features my new obsession. What do you think it is? It’s really healthy and the benefits of eating it are the following: highly nutritious and particularly rich in vitamin A, high antioxidant content may reduce your risk of chronic diseases and nutrient density and low calorie count may promote weight loss. So what is it? Do you like it?
See you later, Pals, have an easy day.