Bad internet, and Plus videos

About 2 months ago, I purchased a 3-month FBPlus pass. So I have 1 month of it left. (FYI Iā€™m very happy with the Plus features)

The problem is, now I live in a place with TERRIBLE internet connection. (Since 2 weeks ago). The free videos seem to play ok (still not great), but the Plus videos hardly play at all. Iā€™ve been kind of bummed because Iā€™m trying to get the most out of my Pass by doing the Fit30 program this last month, which is all Plus videos. But I can hardly get them to work. Why do the free videos work but not the Plus ones?

Any suggestions or ideas for me?

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any feedbackšŸ’›

P.S. I already play them at the lowest possible resolution
