Hello Pals! I’ve been absent for a couple of day so I’m glad to be back again to have a little chat with you. I hope you’re all right and if not you’re getting better. The weather has been glorious here so I try to walk more than usual. (walk…if you saw me you’d think I’m trying to lose my bottom while rushing forward to prevent some catastrophe from happening…)
I’ve just finished Day 3 of the Flex Challenge which I started on Monday because I finished the YAY Challenge last week. The routines aren’t too long which is good because if the sky is clear I tend to gaze at the stars for a while before I start working out. Big Jupe is visible too although not at 5 a.m. Anyway, this is not an astronomy seminar so let’s move on.
A couple of months ago I mentioned calisthenics but did you know that the word derives from the Greek words kállos = beauty + sthenos = strength, meaning beautiful strength, or strength of beauty. Calisthenics is not a trend it has been practised for centuries because it’s basically a form of training in which you use your bodyweight as resistance to build strength and muscle. (and apparently become beautiful in the process) Of course, watching a strong muscular guy spinning on his thumb in the street can be intimidating but can you think of any calisthenics exercises that we can all do?
So what’s scheduled for today? And what’s for lunch/dinner? Please chat amongst yourselves and hopefully I can join you. Unless you’re talking about scary movies in which case I’ll be listening. (reading)
Perspiration Pals 19 October 2022
Hello Pals! I’ve been absent for a couple of day so I’m glad to be back again to have a little chat with you. I hope you’re all right and if not you’re getting better. The weather has been glorious here so I try to walk more than usual. (walk…if you saw me you’d think I’m trying to lose my bottom while rushing forward to prevent some catastrophe from happening…)
I’ve just finished Day 3 of the Flex Challenge which I started on Monday because I finished the YAY Challenge last week. The routines aren’t too long which is good because if the sky is clear I tend to gaze at the stars for a while before I start working out. Big Jupe is visible too although not at 5 a.m. Anyway, this is not an astronomy seminar so let’s move on.
A couple of months ago I mentioned calisthenics but did you know that the word derives from the Greek words kállos = beauty + sthenos = strength, meaning beautiful strength, or strength of beauty. Calisthenics is not a trend it has been practised for centuries because it’s basically a form of training in which you use your bodyweight as resistance to build strength and muscle. (and apparently become beautiful in the process) Of course, watching a strong muscular guy spinning on his thumb in the street can be intimidating but can you think of any calisthenics exercises that we can all do?
So what’s scheduled for today? And what’s for lunch/dinner? Please chat amongst yourselves and hopefully I can join you. Unless you’re talking about scary movies in which case I’ll be listening. (reading)
PS, sorry, I couldn't attach the picture...