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Cabin Update, etc.

Hello and happy fall everyone,

Some of you have been asking for updates on the small off grid cabin that Kelli and I have been building so I though I would go ahead and share the progress to date.

Last time I posted about it we had finished building the structure and gotten a first coat of paint on it before the rain set in last winter. The only big part I had left to do was to put on the roof and install the chimney. I was going to get professionals to do this but after contacting multiple companies the project was either just too small and/or no one wanted to walk the 1/4 mile back into the woods to do the work (no road no electricity, so all tools and materials have to be packed back and forth).

So after getting the nth "no" on the roof I set into doing it myself, I had done a shingle roof before but since this cabin is back in the woods (lots of tree debris and moss that builds up and will stick to a shingle roof) I wanted to instead do a metal roof to alleviate the debris issue as well as the fact it should last longer then me (that is if I install it correctly, ha) I hunted down and metal roof supplier read through installation manuals online and watched plenty of YouTube how-to videos. Then put in my materials order and got to work.

The cabin has a tongue in groove roof but it was too thin so I had to first add plywood sheeting then a water proof membrane then started into the install of the metal roof. It was a learning experience for sure but I have always loved building things and thinking through problems so this was super fun for me. Well, "fun" may be a strong word for it and Kelli would say the words coming from me while working on it may have suggested otherwise. But hey I figured out how to get all the materials back there and we got it done. It all went pretty smoothly and the only part I really stressed over was cutting a hole in a completely sealed and water proof roof to put the chimney in. Thanks to Kelli's help (she was very patient with my grumblings) we got it done and it all works great. No leaks yet but also no heavy rain to test it.

Also I know that many of you have been asking for more woods walk though videos like we did during the snow last winter, and the leaves are just starting to turn so we will be filming the fall walk through soon. I did film a summer walk through but Kelli told me that my pants were making too much noise and would be distracting, so you will have to take it up with her to get the summer version (or wait to next summer when we will re-film, ha).

The forest fire smoke has been keeping us from enjoying the cabin and forest as much as we would like but every chance we get we go for walks or just go and sit on the cabins porch and read or just listen to all the birds. Especially on the late nights we hear a lot from our resident owls.

I will include multiple pictures in the comments below so be sure to take a look.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Take the time to tell the people in your life that are important to you, how much you care about them, and of course show yourself some love as well.
