Perspiration Pals Friday the 14th! (missed it by a day)

Hello PPals! I'm your guest host for today and I admit I'm a little nervous because a) no one can replace the irreplaceable Lynna! (fear not, she promised to be back next week) ... and b) I believe I never hosted this thread before. But I know you're good at chatting amongst yourselves whatever the start of thread looks like, so that's a relief.

Another relief was that I instantly had a topic in mind when I volunteered on Wednesday, sprang out of my comment there that the longest living person I ever knew ate apples (almost) every day. So my question for you today is – How long did the longest-living person you knew live? Or if they're still alive, how old are they? AND, what I'm even more interested in – could you share some of their specific habits, lifestyle, circumstances, personal traits etc. I'm thinking (optimistically, and not actually seriously) if we "compare notes" other than the general "eat healthy, stay active" and such, we can find, among the less obvious details, the secret to longevity! Ha!😄 I know, a lot of it is genes, and the rest of it is too complex, but one can always hope even silly efforts are not in vain.

So this oldest person that I knew (a friend's father) lived to be 95. Besides eating a lot of apples, I remember he very often ate beans. And he bought food at farmers markets more often than in supermarkets. He was among the quirkiest people I ever knew, so there is much hope for this lot! 😉 I'd say his stress management tactic was just letting it all out, speak your mind, manners schmanners, filters schmilters. Life-is-too-short-for-brooding-over-things kind of type (or does everyone get like that at certain age?) He was never into sports as far as I know but he always walked a lot. And he was incredibly social, I mean I was in my 20s when I knew him (and not nearly such a hermit that I am today) and even then I thought, wow this senior has a better social life than I do. Making new friends at any age, isn't that a great skill to be desired? I don't mean socializing as in having a calendar full of planned social "events", but the laid back type of going over to friends houses unannounced and they coming to yours, or inviting Jehovah's witnesses in for a talk, because why not?🤣 This friend of mine had all sorts of incredible stories when we were kids, like waking up and finding groups of strangers, illegal immigrants sleeping on couches and floors of the living room (back in the day when our country was somewhat appealing to anyone)

... Lost track a bit.😁 Anyway! He also had a specific habit (which I did read about "being great for your health" somewhere else) – he always kept the room he slept in very aired and chilled. Divorced twice, so maybe there's something to be said about living alone? ("happy wife happy life" phrase turning into "no wife, long life"? 🤣) Okay okay, remember this is neither about accolades nor judgements, just neutrally throwing around random facts about someone's life that happened to be a long one.

Do share your thoughts on longevity, what do you think/hope a secret to long life is (besides Blendering 💪), and odd details that stand out to you when you think about someone who's been (or is) there. For sure we can settle that age old old age question right here and now! 😁

Besides that, we also have the regular daily business of checking in with your latest fitness, food, health, family (human or furry), work, leisure and any sort of adventures.

For me it's a rest day between weeks 5 and 6 of Reboot. The program seems to be going quickly and I'm liking it. Morning fog has lifted and the day is inviting me for a walk (between groceries and chores and other boring stuff...)

Okay everyone, have a decent day, and do hopefully many but at least one nice thing for yourself.
