How are we doing today? a nice warmish day here. Interesting (but not surprising) to see folks including moi dressing up in brighter colors on occasional sunny days -well, we had a laugh about all flowery tops in the office this morning 😅
Anywho, been running around since morning. too many things to do plus teaching starts from tomorrow, so nerves be acting up! 😶 although i am slightly excited about it, as i developed this course from scratch and we are offering for the first time here.
for workouts, last evening i didn't want to workout. then i picked one of K's total body workout, a new to me one. it felt so good post workout. guess had been a while i did K's workout. BUT, i sure was thinking what i could munch after workout while i was working out though 🤣
no rain, dry days here = everyone around be cutting/trimming grass = i am down (again) with pollen allergy. this time of the year is so much fun. nope. other than that, i guess one of my achievements has been bringing my own food to work for about 4 weeks now. I think it has now become a habit and like it this ways. less expensive of course, but i feel lighter post lunch.
Fur baby is fine. i am starting to make more time for her when I can and play. will leave a pic in comments.
that's about it from my slightly dizzy head (looking at you, pollens!) folks. Over to you now. let us know about your day, activities, food etc. fur baby pics are always welcome. and yes, we always encourage and welcome anyone to join us in these threads.
Thank you for checking in with me & fur baby today. take care! Toasty hug xx
Perspiration Pals August 30th, 2022 🎉🎂
hey folks,
How are we doing today? a nice warmish day here. Interesting (but not surprising) to see folks including moi dressing up in brighter colors on occasional sunny days -well, we had a laugh about all flowery tops in the office this morning 😅
Anywho, been running around since morning. too many things to do plus teaching starts from tomorrow, so nerves be acting up! 😶 although i am slightly excited about it, as i developed this course from scratch and we are offering for the first time here.
for workouts, last evening i didn't want to workout. then i picked one of K's total body workout, a new to me one. it felt so good post workout. guess had been a while i did K's workout. BUT, i sure was thinking what i could munch after workout while i was working out though 🤣
no rain, dry days here = everyone around be cutting/trimming grass = i am down (again) with pollen allergy. this time of the year is so much fun. nope. other than that, i guess one of my achievements has been bringing my own food to work for about 4 weeks now. I think it has now become a habit and like it this ways. less expensive of course, but i feel lighter post lunch.
Fur baby is fine. i am starting to make more time for her when I can and play. will leave a pic in comments.
that's about it from my slightly dizzy head (looking at you, pollens!) folks. Over to you now. let us know about your day, activities, food etc. fur baby pics are always welcome. and yes, we always encourage and welcome anyone to join us in these threads.
Thank you for checking in with me & fur baby today. take care! Toasty hug xx