Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

How do I organize 300 minutes per week of exercise with good muscle recovery

This month, the American Heart Association recommended “150 to 300 min/wk of vigorous physical activity a week”


I don’t understand what I can be doing with my recovery days exercise - working my way up to 45 minutes per day or 90 minutes every other day. If I do intense 30-45 minutes of upper body weight training or lower body HITT on Monday and Thursday, what should I be doing for the other days in terms of exercise? Are longer routines every other day the best?

Am I defeating the muscle building I setup on Monday if I do 30 minutes on my rowing machine on Tuesday. I feel 30 minutes of street biking is hard on my upper body the day after an intense 30 minute upper body workout


I am a 60 year old Male with 3 basic goals: to lower moderately high blood pressure, counteract the negative impact of 8+ hours daily desk-work and to live longer. Besides building muscle, what do I need to work on? How do I organize this into 300 minutes per week (45 per day or 90 min every other day)?

To paraphrase the American Heart Association report: (The recommendations in 2018 were that adults should get 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous physical activity a week. But a newly released 30 year study has shown that people who surpass those levels live longer than those who don't… Significantly longer lifespans are achieved by performing ≈150 to 300 min/wk of vigorous physical activity a week… https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.058162