Do you feel more or less hungry after working out?

So I'm a grad student studying chemistry and this article ( caught my eyes today about the finding of the molecule responsible for hunger suppression after working out. In brief summary, the peptide called Lac-Phe is produced as a result of exercise-related metabolism, and researchers found that its injection led to decreased appetite in mice. Assuming it is also same for human, a neurobiologist postulated that it was in order not to be distracted by hunger when our ancestors needed intense activity the most-- running away from predators.

I don't know about you but I often do find myself not hungry at all after intense workout, even when I was already feeling hungry before starting. I always found it interesting as it seemed counterintuitive. My theory was that the brain was too distracted by producing energy, repairing muscles, etc to process the hunger signal. The article isn't necessarily vindicating my theory but I feel glad to know there indeed is a scientific reason behind it lol.

What is your observation after intense exercise? Do you feel more or less hungry compared to before? Regardless of your answer, let's not forget FB's lesson to nourish yourself after spending energy!
