Hello Pals! How are you today? I woke up this morning thinking it’s Friday and I was sorely disappointed so I did a lower-body Tasha routine to ease the pain. Or have a different kind of pain. Bear Crawl Position: Donkey Kicks for 60 seconds? Really? How about you? Was your workout session mildly torturous?
As promised, today’s topic is space/spaceship related thanks to Adrienne’s little spaceship emoji. It’s not as easy as it sounds since I’ve wanted to ask a question related to both space and exercise but I’ve already asked you how long astronauts have to exercise on the ISS and maybe even some other space/exercise-related things, knowing myself, it’s possible. So I’ll just ask you some random true or false questions and see how it goes. True or false: Food tastes different in space. True or false: You cannot light a candle in zero gravity. True or false: The Moon smells like gunpowder.
All right, I must go now but I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Be good, if you can, don’t eat unwashed fruit or vegetables, be kind to animals, do some exercise and read a book. (thought I'd give you some options)
Perspiration Pals 23 June 2022
Hello Pals! How are you today? I woke up this morning thinking it’s Friday and I was sorely disappointed so I did a lower-body Tasha routine to ease the pain. Or have a different kind of pain. Bear Crawl Position: Donkey Kicks for 60 seconds? Really? How about you? Was your workout session mildly torturous?
As promised, today’s topic is space/spaceship related thanks to Adrienne’s little spaceship emoji. It’s not as easy as it sounds since I’ve wanted to ask a question related to both space and exercise but I’ve already asked you how long astronauts have to exercise on the ISS and maybe even some other space/exercise-related things, knowing myself, it’s possible. So I’ll just ask you some random true or false questions and see how it goes. True or false: Food tastes different in space. True or false: You cannot light a candle in zero gravity. True or false: The Moon smells like gunpowder.
All right, I must go now but I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Be good, if you can, don’t eat unwashed fruit or vegetables, be kind to animals, do some exercise and read a book. (thought I'd give you some options)