The main circuit includes a mixture of strength, power, agility, balance, and endurance across four upper/lower body combination exercises with one-minute working intervals. Focus on filling the interval with quality movement while testing your stamina and regulating your heartrate with consistent, full belly breaths.
The push-ups finisher progresses in difficulty with each variation of the exercise, and you have an opportunity to use your recovery intervals for a hollow-man hold if you’re looking for some targeted core work. The hollow-man hold is just an option! Feel free to use your 20-second recoveries to recover or swap out hollow-man hold for any other core-focused exercise. Check out the write-up for more information on each push-up variation.
Also note that the second exercise in the main circuit involves picking up and putting down your weights rather quickly for the high pull portion of the move. If you’re like me and working out on a hard surface floor, you might want to setup a couple noise dampeners before beginning the workout (mats, towels, etc.) to absorb the sound of your weights hitting the floor.
I thoroughly enjoyed creating this workout! I enjoyed filming it as well but will admit that I had to dig deep to complete the third round of the main circuit. I almost revised the write-up to state that there were only two rounds. I thought about my options for editing the video. I consulted with Jonathan. And then I pulled myself together and thought, “this is hard for me today but it’s not impossible.” I hope you feel the same way while completing this workout!
This is a great workout for benchmarking progress. Have fun, challenge yourself, and smile a little from time to time.
New FB Plus Workout: 35-Min Total Body Weighted Strength Circuit with Push-Ups Finisher
Good morning FB Family!
Enjoy a little bit of everything in this relatively short but challenging total body workout:
Total Body Weighted Strength Circuit with Push-Ups Finisher
The main circuit includes a mixture of strength, power, agility, balance, and endurance across four upper/lower body combination exercises with one-minute working intervals. Focus on filling the interval with quality movement while testing your stamina and regulating your heartrate with consistent, full belly breaths.
The push-ups finisher progresses in difficulty with each variation of the exercise, and you have an opportunity to use your recovery intervals for a hollow-man hold if you’re looking for some targeted core work. The hollow-man hold is just an option! Feel free to use your 20-second recoveries to recover or swap out hollow-man hold for any other core-focused exercise. Check out the write-up for more information on each push-up variation.
Also note that the second exercise in the main circuit involves picking up and putting down your weights rather quickly for the high pull portion of the move. If you’re like me and working out on a hard surface floor, you might want to setup a couple noise dampeners before beginning the workout (mats, towels, etc.) to absorb the sound of your weights hitting the floor.
I thoroughly enjoyed creating this workout! I enjoyed filming it as well but will admit that I had to dig deep to complete the third round of the main circuit. I almost revised the write-up to state that there were only two rounds. I thought about my options for editing the video. I consulted with Jonathan. And then I pulled myself together and thought, “this is hard for me today but it’s not impossible.” I hope you feel the same way while completing this workout!
This is a great workout for benchmarking progress. Have fun, challenge yourself, and smile a little from time to time.
See you on the screen!