Appreciate your suggestions for a vegetable-derived good value (competitively priced), high quality (clean ingredients, reliable company, as bioavailable as possible for veg) protein powder?
My partner and I are very active and eat a mostly vegetarian Mediterranean diet (80-90% vegetarian, protein mostly from beans, legumes, tofu; some from fish and chicken; a bit from dairy and eggs; and super rarely red meat). We run 3-5x/week, row 2x/week and do bodyweight, dumbbell, strength band and pull-up exercise 3x/week (aside from weekend hiking, kayaking or bicycling). For the training we're doing we're pretty sure we're a bit protein deficient, especially since we're trying to put on a bit more muscle now.
Have you found vegetable protein powder to be helpful for building muscle?
We're not looking to body build, only to maintain and add several pounds of muscle with our activity level, to maintain good fitness for the activities we love.
Good value High Quality Veg Protein Powder?
Appreciate your suggestions for a vegetable-derived good value (competitively priced), high quality (clean ingredients, reliable company, as bioavailable as possible for veg) protein powder?
My partner and I are very active and eat a mostly vegetarian Mediterranean diet (80-90% vegetarian, protein mostly from beans, legumes, tofu; some from fish and chicken; a bit from dairy and eggs; and super rarely red meat). We run 3-5x/week, row 2x/week and do bodyweight, dumbbell, strength band and pull-up exercise 3x/week (aside from weekend hiking, kayaking or bicycling). For the training we're doing we're pretty sure we're a bit protein deficient, especially since we're trying to put on a bit more muscle now.
Have you found vegetable protein powder to be helpful for building muscle?
We're not looking to body build, only to maintain and add several pounds of muscle with our activity level, to maintain good fitness for the activities we love.