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New FB Plus Workout: Power Yoga: Deep Core Target Work

Our core is one of the most important muscle groups in our body, as it not only supports our spine, but it supports every single movement we take! Let’s get those deep core muscles (not just our 6-pack muscles) stronger together! 

Power Yoga: Deep Core Target Work

My intention is two-fold with this intermediate/advanced flow: First and foremost, my intention is to help you not only build a stronger core, but to help you build a stronger foundation of balance and proprioception. We use all 3 of these things every day of our lives, and this supportive work will not only help you to build a stronger practice, but will translate into all other forms of exercise as well as your daily activities.

Secondly, I want to empower my students to overcome the stigmas around core work and to educate them with information that is truthful and empowering. Many times core work is advertised as a method to get your tummy flat; I really dislike the message those kinds of core work advertisements send, because it not only exploits fear with non-truthful information, but it perpetuates these ideas: 

  1. That your belly isn’t already perfect as it is; the way your body looks is not an accurate or fully-telling description of your fitness/athletic abilities or even your health. So yea, your belly is perfect just as it is.  
  2. That by doing core work you can fat spot; fat-spotting is a myth. You could do core work all day everyday and still never get rid of belly fat. This doesn’t mean you’re not strengthening your core, but being able to see a 6-pack is partially based on genetics; while we all have the “6-pack” muscles, not all of our bodies were created to be able to see those muscles as defined as mainstream media makes them out to be. 
  3. That the only reason to do core work is to achieve an aesthetic; I never want to discourage anyone from wanting to work out to look a certain way or lose a certain amount of weight, but I also want to empower my students to set their goals with the energetic intention of loving and honoring their bodies, rather than trying to achieve something due to fear/insecurity. 

An open invitation: What could we achieve if we shifted our mindsets around our bodies’ relationship with movement: “how does my body feel (strong, healthy, empowered)?” rather than “how does my body look?” 

I hope that you enjoy this workout because it makes your movements feel supported from a foundation of strength and makes you feel strong! Our bodies are incredible and there is so much to thank them for :-)  
