Daniel and Kelly, you guys have been with me through a lot, it’s the weirdest feeling, but I wanna share

I started Fitness blender about 8 years ago, just after starting my first year of high school

I’ve gotten to know a lot about both of you guys

I’ve seen you two grow, I’ve seen you guys struggle, whether in our workouts together, or when you guys needed a well-deserved break

I’ve had you with me through my fitness journey, through my educational journey — I’ve had ups and downs, I’ve workout during those ups and downs

It felt like an adventure when I’m staring down the uncertainty of my future, all the while choosing to workout that day and listening to both of you chatting — talking to us about your own struggles

You’ve also been with me throughout my personal maturation into adulthood

I might’ve posted about this previously….or not, I’m can’t really remember if I did, doesn’t matter

I had this sudden bout of nostalgia, and i really wanted to share the moment

As always, thank you for all the effort you put into this community, and in fitness blender, in a way, you two are like distant relatives to me who offered me nurture during some crucial periods of my life, so thanks for that