Perspiration Pals 27 April 2022

Hello Pals! Welcome to the peak of the mountain where we can look down and see a wonderful little village called The Weekend. We do need to walk a lot but it’s mostly downhill from now. Unfortunately, I can’t provide excerpts from cat soap operas (my two cat neighbours are utterly peaceful cat ladies) so you’ll have to make do with the type of entertainment I can offer.

I’ve realised that I haven’t given you any time off from all those questions for a while now so it’s time for Ivett’s Fact Finder Fragment again. So here’s an absolutely random fact for you: Every year the Netherlands sends 20,000 tulip bulbs to Canada to thank them for their help in the second world war. Ivett’s footnote: Canada is too polite to tell the Netherlands that they can’t plant the tulips because it just won’t stop snowing until April and they have warehouses full of tulip bulbs. Canadian Pals, please prove me wrong with photographic evidence. The title of the photo should be: Dutch tulips in Canada.

Let’s talk about exercise too. I finished the Abs Program last Friday and I’ve decided to continue working on my core strength so I started the Flex Program yesterday. This working out only 4 days a week turned out to be a good idea because my Saturdays are a bit less houseworky (yes, it’s a word now). How many days a week do you work out?

By the way, it’s International Guide Dog Day so let’s give those little angels a shout-out. Have an easy day, Pals!

PS, sorry, couldn't post the image.... again.
