New Article on Body Positivity vs Body Neutrality From Haley
What’s your body philosophy?
The media plays a big role in the societal valuing of certain bodies over others. While these ideals have changed across time, the premise remains the same: if you have a “desirable” body, you are “worthy,” and if you fall outside of these standards, you’re not.
Both the body positivity and body neutrality movements push back at the notion that only certain bodies are worthy of love. In Haley’s latest article, learn the nuances between these two movements and consider which approach is right for you.
New Article on Body Positivity vs Body Neutrality From Haley
What’s your body philosophy?
The media plays a big role in the societal valuing of certain bodies over others. While these ideals have changed across time, the premise remains the same: if you have a “desirable” body, you are “worthy,” and if you fall outside of these standards, you’re not.
Both the body positivity and body neutrality movements push back at the notion that only certain bodies are worthy of love. In Haley’s latest article, learn the nuances between these two movements and consider which approach is right for you.