Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

workout close to bedtime


Has anybody tried working out close to bedtime and how did it affect your sleep? And do you have any experience with FB workout programs? I've been thinking about working out late in the evenings, after my kids are tugged as this is the only time available for training sessions. I'm trying to lose the excess baby weight from my last pregnancy and so far I've already lost about 16kg. I still have about 15kg left to lose. My days are like work from 7am til 3pm and picking up the kids, making sure dinner is ready and tugging them in. Before I know it the clock be around 7pm and around 9.30pm I go to bed as we wake up at 5 to get ready for the day. So in between those two hours there's room for workouts but Im afraid I won't be able to sleep if my workouts are too close to bedtime. I've read some articles about how sleep can be affected by working out late but it probably depends on what kind of workout. I absolutely love strenghtraining and FBstrong and FBfit has been my go to programs but I don't know how this will go with my present schedule as it is. Ive also been thinking about FBreach but I don't think it will satisfy my need for strenghtraining and weightless. I loved to hear your thoughts about this subject