
I was supposed to finish FB strong 2 today. However I will be finishing it tomorrow. And that's ok. A week ago last Thursday my father-in-law passed away (somewhat unexpectedly). The following Sunday, my mom, 4 hours away from my FIL, passed away (again somewhat unexpectedly). I had been out before my FILs passing to help my mom. The last 2 weeks have been nothing but sheer chaos. However I managed to somehow work in my workouts, even if I did a grueling 50 minute lower body strength (level 5, thank you Daniel!lol) and then followed it with the 26 minute stretching routine that was actually scheduled for today.

Also, my mom's funeral was on my FILs birthday.

Strong has more than one meaning for me. I was strong to get through the program. And I was emotionally strong to get through the last 2 weeks.

My mom had 2 types of breast cancer and thyroid cancer. She'd battled cancer 40% of her life (30 years). Consequently, this has impacted how I live. I avoid things I think contribute to cancer and exercise is part of that. I even drove one hour the opposite direction of my FILs funeral the morning of his funeral to keep my mammogram appointment as I am very high risk for breast cancer (and am under the care of a high risk breast cancer oncologist).

This post isn't about pity. This is about surviving. I've survived physical and emotional abuse and neglect. And I've survived this season in my life. I'm happy with who I am and how I live my life. Exercise and fitness blender are part of that journey.
