Perspiration Pals 23 February 2022

Hi Pals! How are you? Yesterday’s date was a bit more fun because it was nearly all 2s so it was a twosday. Anyway, silly joke aside it’s Wednesday otherwise known as ‘we’re getting closer to the weekend’ day. We haven’t played ‘would you rather’ for a while now so I thought why not.

Would you rather eat whatever you are given/order even if it meant meals you wouldn’t necessarily like or choose or would you always cook for yourself? I thought about this unbelievably original question on Saturday when I nearly burnt my granola because I was tired and forgot all about it. You should’ve seen me sprinting to the kitchen when I realised, I’d left it in the oven. I was a champ. A champion swearer more like. My grandmother used to say that if you swear, angels weep. I keep making those angels weep a lot. They must have cried a river by now…

As for exercise, I did Day 1 of the Fit Challenge and it was a longish lower-body HIIT/strength routine which left me a bit sore today. I like working out with Daniel even if there are profanities flying around the room like a swarm of angry bees.

Duty calls now so I have to go and do things that seem to be useful. Have an easy day, Pals!