Imagine this: lovely and warm cosy bed, get up into comfy warm clothes, nice hot cup of coffee and oats for breakfast and then….
Into the cold morning, on the bike, cycling along the prom, out of your warm cosy clothes and then…
Standing in just your swimsuit and your swimhat, looking out at that sea, walking down the beach, into the water and then…
“Yikes, this is COLD!!! Remind me why I do this?!?!?” 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 I asked some of my co-swimmers today. Answers:
The group squealing when you first get in
The “oh my gosh, it’s really cold today” moans
The lobster skin when you get out
The shivers and burning back afterwards
The unique experience
Because basically we are Crazy nutters
But I think my friend Tracey summed it up best of all after we got out:
Exhilarating!!! You feel so good afterwards! You’ve done it, you feel proud of yourself….
I guess we all know that’s exactly what K and D talk about: feel proud because you showed up for yourself! Forget about loud fitness adverts promising all sorts of things: it’s the feeling of “I did it” with a big smile on your face!!!! Do you get that feeling after a workout?
“Remind me why I do this…?!”
Imagine this: lovely and warm cosy bed, get up into comfy warm clothes, nice hot cup of coffee and oats for breakfast and then….
Into the cold morning, on the bike, cycling along the prom, out of your warm cosy clothes and then…
Standing in just your swimsuit and your swimhat, looking out at that sea, walking down the beach, into the water and then…
“Yikes, this is COLD!!! Remind me why I do this?!?!?” 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 I asked some of my co-swimmers today. Answers:
The group squealing when you first get in
The “oh my gosh, it’s really cold today” moans
The lobster skin when you get out
The shivers and burning back afterwards
The unique experience
Because basically we are Crazy nutters
But I think my friend Tracey summed it up best of all after we got out:
Exhilarating!!! You feel so good afterwards! You’ve done it, you feel proud of yourself….
I guess we all know that’s exactly what K and D talk about: feel proud because you showed up for yourself! Forget about loud fitness adverts promising all sorts of things: it’s the feeling of “I did it” with a big smile on your face!!!! Do you get that feeling after a workout?
Air temp 3 degrees centigrade, seatemp 8 degrees, 12 mins, seaswim ✅
BTW I hope nobody is offended by my swimhat…. It’s just very true!
BTW 2 in the replies a pic of me with the big “I did it” smile on my face and a pic of the sea (as flat as a pancake).