I have been using FB on and off for over three years now, and it has been one of the best things i have introduced to my workout regime.
I'll be honest, my commitment to working out has its peaks and valleys - so having the FB programs available is great when my commitment is at its highest.
Taking the decision making out of working out is a huge bonus (and why I love FB) BUT no matter how committed i feel mentally...I find it really difficult to commit time to exercising 5-6 days a week.
Especially when my motivation is at its lowest- 5-6 day programs just do not feel sustainable for my lifestyle ( and i don't even have kids, or have to commute far to work!).
I know the simple solution would be to just stay committed, or use the calendar to select free videos to meet my ideal schedule- but i get overwhelmed with all the options!!
I would love to be able to take an existing program and just expand it to work out every-other day, or 3-4 days a week.
To do that now, i would have to search and do it manually.
I suppose I am wondering if there is purpose behind the programs being 5-6 days??
-is it to help build up that commitment factor for people like me?
-is it the the ideal workout schedule for an ideal world?
-have people tried stretching out programs like i want to- and still see results in their fitness and health?
Just feeling a touch overwhelmed with finding the right workout regime to feel strong and healthy- and tired of the honeymoon phase of working out coming and going.
P.S bring back the workout leggings! My FB leggings are still my go tos!
Why 5-6 days a week?
I have been using FB on and off for over three years now, and it has been one of the best things i have introduced to my workout regime.
I'll be honest, my commitment to working out has its peaks and valleys - so having the FB programs available is great when my commitment is at its highest.
Taking the decision making out of working out is a huge bonus (and why I love FB) BUT no matter how committed i feel mentally...I find it really difficult to commit time to exercising 5-6 days a week.
Especially when my motivation is at its lowest- 5-6 day programs just do not feel sustainable for my lifestyle ( and i don't even have kids, or have to commute far to work!).
I know the simple solution would be to just stay committed, or use the calendar to select free videos to meet my ideal schedule- but i get overwhelmed with all the options!!
I would love to be able to take an existing program and just expand it to work out every-other day, or 3-4 days a week.
To do that now, i would have to search and do it manually.
I suppose I am wondering if there is purpose behind the programs being 5-6 days??
-is it to help build up that commitment factor for people like me?
-is it the the ideal workout schedule for an ideal world?
-have people tried stretching out programs like i want to- and still see results in their fitness and health?
Just feeling a touch overwhelmed with finding the right workout regime to feel strong and healthy- and tired of the honeymoon phase of working out coming and going.
P.S bring back the workout leggings! My FB leggings are still my go tos!