I'm not sure if this has been requested before but I thought a helpful calendar feature would be the ability to swap days in a program or routine.
For example if I want to do Sundays workout on Monday and Mondays workout on Sunday, I could just switch them while keeping the rest of the program intact on the calendar.
Right now I just do them on the day I want and go back later to mark them complete, so it's not a huge deal but just thought I'd put it out there.
Calendar feature request - swap days
I'm not sure if this has been requested before but I thought a helpful calendar feature would be the ability to swap days in a program or routine.
For example if I want to do Sundays workout on Monday and Mondays workout on Sunday, I could just switch them while keeping the rest of the program intact on the calendar.
Right now I just do them on the day I want and go back later to mark them complete, so it's not a huge deal but just thought I'd put it out there.