2 Week Daily Expert Article Challenge - Check-in

Hope your week is going well!

Having read Haley's articles about stress and anxiety when they first came out, today I chose to read her follow-up article, "Simple Techniques for Reducing Anxiety" - https://www.fitnessblender.com/articles/simple-techniques-for-reducing-anxiety

She highlights the importance of moderate to high intensity exercise twice weekly, which includes strength training, along with mindfulness/meditation (which was yesterday's read), as a clinically effective way to not only reduce existing anxiety and stress, but also as prophylactic protection against future stressors.

One interesting point she makes is that caffeine, which is a stimulate often used as a coping mechanism for anxiety, can acutally worsen anxiety symptoms. So, reducing or eliminating caffeine can help reduce symptoms of anxiety.

She also mentions that sleep plays an important role in reducing stress and anxiety, while at the same time anxiety can often induce insomnia - which can become a vicious cycle. So, prioritizing sleep and those actions which induce sleep are crucial.

Until fairly recently, it seems the mindset of much of the Western world has been that sleep is only for the weak ("I'll sleep when I'm dead"), rather than a vital component of brain, hormonal, cardiovascular, and overall health for everyone. It is rather ironic that most parents naturally understand the importance of sleep for babies and toddlers, yet that same period of the body's recharging and renewal is ignored or downplayed in the very adults who need it most. ;)

One takeaway from this article is how measurably beneficial it is for each of us to be "Blending" regularly, in whatever way sparks joy, and prioritizing sleep/rest along w/ healthy stress-coping mechanisms to allow our bodies to do their thing - to fully recharge/renew daily and be the very best "me" we can be! :)

Did you read any interesting expert articles today?