So yeah, it is monday. My day to do a goal evaluation.. it is already 22.45 here (10.45 pm) and I forgot. Got my booster today, went to see my dad. Did some zentangling (it’s my new hobby, I felt I needed one next to all the active hobbies.. something I could do at the table).. played a board game with my husband and son.. and then I remembered.. I will do a proper one tomorrow 😀
Oops, it’s monday... week 1
So yeah, it is monday. My day to do a goal evaluation.. it is already 22.45 here (10.45 pm) and I forgot. Got my booster today, went to see my dad. Did some zentangling (it’s my new hobby, I felt I needed one next to all the active hobbies.. something I could do at the table).. played a board game with my husband and son.. and then I remembered.. I will do a proper one tomorrow 😀