Day 1 of the NEW FB Strong Program: workout complete! I even did the Extra Credit option (I chose the one with a resistance band).
It felt great, and today I beat myself (video Kelli) at jump squats 🥳 Going to be sore tomorrow, in a good way. Good luck to all of my long distance workout buddies, let me know how the first workout goes! Have fun, work hard, & listen to your body 🤗❤️
PS you don’t have to be doing FB Strong to say hi and I would still love to hear how your workout went or any goals you have in 2022!
Strong Day 1
Day 1 of the NEW FB Strong Program: workout complete! I even did the Extra Credit option (I chose the one with a resistance band).
It felt great, and today I beat myself (video Kelli) at jump squats 🥳 Going to be sore tomorrow, in a good way. Good luck to all of my long distance workout buddies, let me know how the first workout goes! Have fun, work hard, & listen to your body 🤗❤️
PS you don’t have to be doing FB Strong to say hi and I would still love to hear how your workout went or any goals you have in 2022!