Just curious what other Blenders' favorite workouts are! (In case you don't know, FB Plus members can view the number of completion per video by going to the Statistics & Trackers page -> Calendar History -> (Dropdown) Top: FB Workouts. I don't think there is a way for non-Plus users though.)
In my case,
Lower Body (7 times):
Intense Fat Burning Cardio Intervals and Butt and Thigh Workout
What FB workouts have you done the most?
Just curious what other Blenders' favorite workouts are! (In case you don't know, FB Plus members can view the number of completion per video by going to the Statistics & Trackers page -> Calendar History -> (Dropdown) Top: FB Workouts. I don't think there is a way for non-Plus users though.)
In my case,
Lower Body (7 times):
Intense Fat Burning Cardio Intervals and Butt and Thigh Workout
Upper Body (7 times):
Upper Body Tabata Workout - Intense 60 Minute Back, Shoulders, and Arms Workout
Core (7 times):
Cardio Kickboxing and Abs Workout - Kickboxing for Stress and Cardio Benefits
Stretching (9 times):
Lower Body Active Stretch Routine - PNF Stretch Routine for the Lower Body
These do show that I'm a long workout (50-60 mins) person! Self-inflicted torture, ouch.