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New FB Plus Workout: Lower Body Strength Workout with Push Intervals

Good Morning Fitness Blender!

We are in the thick of the Holiday season, which can often mean our workout time is cut a bit shorter than normal as things are piled onto the to-do list. (Raising my hand while also declaring that I need to start shopping sooner next year!)

Today I have an efficient and effective lower body workout for you, clocking in at just around 36 minutes. But, let’s be honest, shorter workouts are great no matter what season it is!

Lower Body Strength Workout with Push Intervals

If you tried one of yesterday’s upper body workouts (Amanda’s or Tasha’s), this is your perfect match to balance it out.

Lower-body focused workouts are easily my favorite type so I had a lot of fun creating this and filming it! The format is a little unique…

We superset longer duration (60 second) strength intervals with shorter (30 second), high intensity “push” intervals. The idea is to lift heavy on the longer intervals before dropping the weights and switching to a shorter duration bodyweight exercise that will “push” the legs to fatigue. Due to the nature of this format, I can promise you a little cardio as well! Some of the “push” intervals are high-impact, but I’ve provided modifications so you can make it low impact if prefered.

I’m curious, how have you altered your fitness routine in this busy season to keep up with your goals?

As always, enjoy! I can’t wait to hear how this goes.
