Hello all and welcome back to the PPals thread after what I hope was a restful weekend.
It's very early at the moment, still dark, and I'm getting ready to do Kayla's new barre workout. I was reading up a little on the history of barre and Lotte Berk, who created this type of training in the late 50's after suffering a back injury. Now, Lotte Berk was a professional dancer, and apparently Kayla was also a ballerina. I am decidedly not, but I do know barre is an effective, tough workout, so I still like to do it once in a while even though I'm sure I look ridiculous. Luckily, I'll be in the comfort of my own home with only the cats awake to judge me.
Anyone else out there doing a barre workout today? Or maybe you're starting your week off strong by working out with your dumbbells, or warming up with an intense HIIT session? Or perhaps you are starting the week on a gentler note with rest and recovery? Whatever you're up to today, I hope it's a success.
Perspiration Pals Monday December 20th
Hello all and welcome back to the PPals thread after what I hope was a restful weekend.
It's very early at the moment, still dark, and I'm getting ready to do Kayla's new barre workout. I was reading up a little on the history of barre and Lotte Berk, who created this type of training in the late 50's after suffering a back injury. Now, Lotte Berk was a professional dancer, and apparently Kayla was also a ballerina. I am decidedly not, but I do know barre is an effective, tough workout, so I still like to do it once in a while even though I'm sure I look ridiculous. Luckily, I'll be in the comfort of my own home with only the cats awake to judge me.
Anyone else out there doing a barre workout today? Or maybe you're starting your week off strong by working out with your dumbbells, or warming up with an intense HIIT session? Or perhaps you are starting the week on a gentler note with rest and recovery? Whatever you're up to today, I hope it's a success.
Thanks for checking in!