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New Plus Workout: Lower Body Foam Rolling Workout for Myofascial Release

Good morning!

Our new workout today is a foam rolling routine for the lower body:

Lower Body Foam Rolling Workout for Myofascial Release

I filmed this longer foam rolling workout a while back - this time I wanted to create something shorter, something that might be a little easier to fit onto the end of a main workout. I also filmed another new foam roller routine, this one for the entire body, with quick stretch breaks for the neck, shoulders, wrists and other muscles that do a lot of support work through something like foam rolling. That’ll be coming your way soon.

I saw a lot of feedback on my other rolling workout, pertaining to people struggling with the muscle endurance to hold themselves up over the roller throughout the session. Not unlike so many other training styles, it takes time and practice to build up the strength to do this at length, but again, just like so many other training styles, every little bit counts. Do the best that you can and if you start doing it on a regular basis, you’re sure to start to see quick changes and improvements - both in your response to the massage & fascial release, and your ability to hold your own body weight in these (often strange) positions.

One last word on foam rolling that I expand on within both the article & video - it should not cause you severe pain. Discomfort is okay, pain is counterproductive.

Let me know what you think of this new routine and what you’d like to see next!
