Posted in: Workouts / New Releases

New Free Workout: At Home Abs Workout for Toning and Functional Strength

Good morning!

We've got a new workout for you today:

At Home Abs Workout - Fun Core Exercises for Toning and Functional Strength

With this core workout, I wanted to utilize standing abs exercises and functional ranges of motion beyond the basic crunch. The wide variety of movement in this workout provides a challenge throughout the whole core: abs, obliques, and lower back.

Instead of doing hundreds of variations of crunches, we’ll spend the majority of the routine up off of the floor, with standing abs exercises. These use a combination of strong movements and balance, which calls upon the core muscles in a unique and highly functional way.

We've got a week of great new content lined up for you, including more new workout videos, Expert content, recipes, and a big online sale at the end of the week (right after the holiday). Keep an eye out so you don't miss any of the good stuff!

Take good care of yourself this week! And let us know what kinds of workouts we can film and content we can cover to be most helpful to you.
