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New Expert Articles: PPD (free) and Stress vs Anxiety (Plus)

Here are two topics that many of you have asked us to cover. We’re so thankful to have two wonderful, highly-qualified mental health professionals on our team now, so we can dig into topics like this for you - from an expert perspective.

✦ (Free) Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment for Postpartum Depression

Dr. Candice CM - “As someone in recovery from PPD (following each of my two completed pregnancies), it feels important to share parts of my personal experience here. Hearing real stories from people who went through PPD was an important part of my own healing. Let’s take a closer look at perinatal depression to examine signs and symptoms, risk factors, systemic issues, and treatment options.”

✦ (Plus) Stress vs Anxiety: What’s the Difference?

There is an incredibly fine line between anxiety and stress. Stress can lead to anxiety, particularly when we are experiencing chronic stressors. So, how do we know whether we are experiencing stress or anxiety? It is important to be able to accurately label stress or anxiety as it will help to determine how to manage it. Let’s dig in with Dr. Haley S.

Keep the ideas for topics you’d like us to cover coming. We’re committed to providing as much solid, holistic health and wellness information as we can, and have an amazing team to help us do just that!