Posted in: Workouts / Goal Setting

Week 45 goal evaluation

Only 7 more weeks till the end of the year… The time for resolutions is coming. I am trying to make small resolutions each week, little changes that add up.. Doesn’t always work, my stretches this week for instance.. I have definitely not done them each half hour. I think I need to make myself a little reminder to do it.. I will try again this week..

Snacking: I did well. I celebrated my birthday all week by giving out treats to the kids. I had mini chocolate bars and I did not have a single one myself. I had a carrot instead.. I started using the app “ate” again this week. It is an app to track your food intake, without counting calories. You can decide on a goal and mark food “on track” or “off track” and it gives you a percentage of meals on track at the end of the day.. I started on tuesday. My week so far is 66% on track (I had people over for my birthday yesterday).. This week’s goal will be to reach 80% on track.

The bouldering finale went quite well, much better than expected because it was also day 1 of my cycle, which normally makes climbing so much harder. I flashed all mint, green and blue (grades 2-4) finaleboulders, topped 2 black routes (that is the next grade and often so difficult). I did one of those routes on tuesday and could not even get past the start, did it again this saturday and only took 1 attempt to top it..

So, how did your week go? Did anything special happen? Did you reach any goals? Question for you: what is a small goal you want to reach, but you haven’t taken the time to act on it? What small step can you take today towards reaching that goal?

I will work on reducing my snacking again this week. Goal: 80% on path by next sunday. That means: with an average of 6 moments of eating per day, I can have a maximum of 8 off path moments per week.. Still quite a few, so manageable.

At work I will do my stretches when I make a new appointment.