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New FB Plus Workout: Daily Stretches for Mobility and Better Movement

Greetings, FB Family -

What is on your agenda today? Hopefully you’ve made it a priority to carve out some personal time. If so, then this is the perfect workout for you.

Daily Stretches for Mobility and Better Movement

So many of you are loving these types of videos, and I can see why. Regardless of where you are in your fitness journey, they serve as a reminder that stability is crucial in all of us. Personally, I like to fit in my mobility sequences with a cup of coffee, and I have built them into my morning routine. It does require a bit of an early morning sacrifice, but those precious personal moments are worth it.

A common question on my workout videos seems to be, “How many times can I do this workout?” My non-answer/answer is: it depends. Are you using this workout as a means to prevent problems from occurring in the future? If so, then feel free to use it daily. On the other hand, if you’re tuning in because this workout addresses an ongoing issue, then you may want to schedule it according to your body’s needs. It is difficult to answer your questions without providing medical advice, but that’s the advice that I apply to most stability and mobility routines.

Speaking of advice - have you read the powerful article from Candice who is a licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor? I couldn’t stop reading it, and I re-read it several times before some of her words stuck with me. My goals for the remainder of the year center around Internal Boundaries and being comfortable with my “I don’t know.” Check out Candice’s work here, Boundary Setting for Total Wellness.

I am off to finish this week in a strong, confident, and authentic manner. Wishing you the same, and hoping to catch you on screen again soon.
