Have you ever found yourself saying this? We all know that working out and eating well lead to positive results. We also all know that it takes hard work and consistency.
By better understanding our thoughts, the science behind them, and how sometimes they can become distorted, we can begin to challenge our thinking and shift our thought process in a way that is more realistic and flexible for our lives.
When it comes to working out and eating well, these can be very valuable skills to have!
Consistency Is Key, but So Is Compassion
“If I miss a workout, I’ll never meet my goals.”
Have you ever found yourself saying this? We all know that working out and eating well lead to positive results. We also all know that it takes hard work and consistency.
Back to the example above, if you’ve ever found yourself thinking similar thoughts, did you see our article, Cognitive Distortions and How They Affect Us?
By better understanding our thoughts, the science behind them, and how sometimes they can become distorted, we can begin to challenge our thinking and shift our thought process in a way that is more realistic and flexible for our lives.
When it comes to working out and eating well, these can be very valuable skills to have!
And if you’re in a reading mood, you might want to remind yourself of some practical tips for managing cognitive distortions in our article on Compassion Over Criticism: Understanding and Dealing With Negative Thinking.
So, how good are you at maintaining consistency? Being compassionate with yourself? If you’ve got it down, do you have any tips to share?
We hope that everyone has a great weekend!